The following awards will be assigned during the conference:
Best paper award (1,000€) sponsored by Springer;
- Award Board
- O’MALLEY MARCIA, Rice University (US)
- COLGATE ED, Tanvas Inc /Northwester University (US)
- Finalists
- Travelling Ultrasonic Wave Enhances Keyclick Sensation David Gueorguiev, Anis Kaci, Michel Amberg, Frédéric Giraud, and Betty Semail
- Localisation of Vibrotactile Stimuli with Spatio-Temporal Inverse Filtering Charles Hudin and Sabrina Panëels
- Haptic Saliency Model for Rigid Textured Surfaces Anna Metzger, Matteo Toscani, Matteo Valsecchi, and Knut Drewing
- Winner
- “Haptic Saliency Model for Rigid Textured Surfaces”
Anna Metzger, Matteo Toscani, Matteo Valsecchi, and Knut Drewing
- “Haptic Saliency Model for Rigid Textured Surfaces”
- Award Board
Best student paper award sponsored by Haption;
- Award Board
- O’MALLEY MARCIA, Rice University (US)
- COLGATE ED, Tanvas Inc /Northwester University (US)
- Finalists
- Influence of Different Types of Prior Knowledge on Haptic Exploration of Soft Objects Aaron Cedric Zöller, Alexandra Lezkan, Vivian C Paulun, Roland W. Fleming, and Knut Drewing
- Overcoming fingertip friction variability with surface haptics force-feedback Nicolas Huloux, Jocelyn Monnoyer, Marc Boyron, and Michael Wiertlewski
- Harmonious textures: The perceptual dimensions of synthetic sinusoidal gratings Corentin Bernard, Jocelyn Monnoyer, and Michael Wiertlewski
- Winner
- “Overcoming fingertip friction variability with surface haptics force-feedback”
Nicolas Huloux, Jocelyn Monnoyer, Marc Boyron, and Michael Wiertlewski
- “Overcoming fingertip friction variability with surface haptics force-feedback”
- Award Board
Best Work-In-Progress (WIP) award sponsored by 3D Systems.
- Award Board
- GILLESPIE BRENT, Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (USA)
- HARWIN WILLIAM, University of Reading
- Finalists
- Portable 2DoF force display gadget realized by ‘anisotropic rigidity bridging’
Hiroaki Gomi, Sho Ito - Finger pad mechanics during object lifting
Félicien Schiltz, Allan Barrea, Jean-Louis Thonnard, Philippe Lefevre - Experimental Evaluation of Contact Mechanics for Electrovibration Omer Sirin, Allan Barrea, Philippe Lefevre, Jean-Louis Thonnard , Cagatay Basdogan
- Portable 2DoF force display gadget realized by ‘anisotropic rigidity bridging’
- Winner
- Finger pad mechanics during object lifting
Félicien Schiltz, Allan Barrea, Jean-Louis Thonnard, Philippe Lefevre
- Finger pad mechanics during object lifting
- Award Board
Best hands-on-demo award sponsored by Force Dimension;
- Award Board
- MINAMIZAWA KOUTA Graduate School of Media Design, Keio University, Yokohama (JP)
- RYU JEE HWAN Mechanical Engineering, Koreatech, Cheonan (KR)
- KAPPERS ASTRID Human Movements Sciences, VU Amsterdam, Amsterdam (NL)
- Finalists
- Tactile Apparent Motion through Human-Human Physical Touch
Taku Hachisu, Kenji Suzuki - “HaptiComm”, a Tactile Stimulation Device for Deafblind Communication
Basil Duvernoy, Sven Topp, Vincent Hayward - A Novel FerroFluid-based Fingertip Tactile Display for Concurrently Displaying
Textire and Geometric Perception
Harsimran Singh, Bhivraj Suthar, Syed Zain Mehdi, Sang-Goo Jeong, Jee-Hwan Ryu - Haptic Braille Display for Blind
Daniele Leonaradis, Claudio Loconsole, Antonio Frisoli
- Tactile Apparent Motion through Human-Human Physical Touch
- Winner
- “HaptiComm” a Tactile Stimulation Device for Deafblind Communication
Basil Duvernoy, Sven Topp, Vincent Hayward
- “HaptiComm” a Tactile Stimulation Device for Deafblind Communication
- Award Board
Best poster award sponsored by Immersion;
- Award Board
- BIANCHI MATTEO University of Pisa
- PACCHIEROTTI CLAUDIO CNRS at Irisa and Inria Rennes
- Finalists
- “A tangible surface for digital sculpting in virtual environments”
Edouard Callens, Fabien Danieau, Antoine Costes, Philippe Guillotel - “A pilot study: introduction of time-domain segment to intensity-based perception model of high-frequency vibration”
Nan Cao, Hikaru Nagano, Masashi Konyo, Shogo Okamoto, Satoshi Tadokoro - “Judged roughness as a function of groove frequency and groove width in 3D-printed gratings”
Knut Drewing
- “A tangible surface for digital sculpting in virtual environments”
- Winner
- “A Pilot Study: Introduction of Time-domain Segment to Intensity-based Perception Model of High-frequency Vibration”
Nan Cao, Hikaru Nagano, Masashi Konyo, Shogo Okamoto, Satoshi Tadokoro
- “A Pilot Study: Introduction of Time-domain Segment to Intensity-based Perception Model of High-frequency Vibration”
- Award Board